The Armor of God Week 4: The Shoes of Peace

Week 4

Day One – Monday, November 12th

In Week One we learned the importance of prayer and the significance of where our battles take place. The Heavenly realms are alive with principalities and powers, rulers and authorities. We learned that we are victorious in Jesus and seated with Him in the Heavenly realms, and that our prayers can and must reflect the victory that is ours.

Week Two took us on a journey in discovering that when Truth is girded at our core, we become strong and unshakable.

Week Three taught us that in our faith we are made righteous, but we must practice our faith by putting off our old selves and putting on our new selves.

In Week Four we will discover how to have our feet prepared with peace. Priscilla asked us on page 95 to write what our definition of peace is. I wrote, “peace is the internal condition of a man, not determined by his circumstances but determined by his destiny. The opposite of peace is the internal chaos of a man that causes grief, depression and anxiety resulting from a lack of understanding destiny.”

Shoes of peace I am looking forward to finding out all about you, I need internal peace that is not determined by my circumstances.